Jane Routley
Fantasy and Science Fiction writer Jane Routley has published 6 books and won two Aurealis Awards for Best Fantasy Novel. Her short stories have been widely anthologized and read on the ABC. She has had a variety of careers, including fruit picker and occult librarian and she lived in Germany and Denmark for a decade. Now she works on the railways in Melbourne and is a keen climate activist.
Despite years of encountering “things that cannot, nay, must not be described” in Call of Cthulhu, she is not (yet) insane. Honest.
Melody Watson
Melody Watson is an editor, games designer and historian with a lifelong love of role-playing games. Beyond designing games like LAIKA (a Freeplay Awards finalist) and On Mighty Wheels, she has been involved in the Australian RPG scene as an organiser, encourager, and attender of conventions for well over a decade. She definitely wants to hear about your idea for a game about cats, and especially wants to hear about that character you played one time. For really real.
M. T. Black
M.T. Black is an Australian game designer with an incurable devotion to role-playing games. He has published over fifty RPG books, accumulating many best-seller medals along the way. He has also contributed to a number of books for Wizards of the Coast, including Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus. When not traipsing through the Elysian Fields, he lives in Sydney playing tech startup roulette.